Saturday, August 11, 2012

5 Things to Carry on a Romantic Vacation

The plans have been made and the bags have been packed: you have decided to leave the crazy city and bring some romance in your life. While we are totally in-sync with this idea of yours, we have some packing tips for you that you will surely find helpful. Before you jet set off, remember to carry these 5 things along with you.

1. Gift wrap a surprise

Happy surprises are always welcome. And they feel even better when handed out on holidays. Remember to pack a little something for your sweetheart and surreptitiously slip it under her pillow. This is a sure shot happy way to begin that romantic holiday.

2. Sexy lingerie

Not for you, for her! It would be pretty awesome if you buy your love some sexy lingerie. Go to a department store and ask the lady attendant to help you. There is nothing creepy in this, so don’t be embarrassed. Some sexy lingerie is sure to set the mood and get your hormones jumping for joy.

3. Candles and Music

You cannot get it right, till the mood is right. Be sure to carry candles and an updated playlist along with you. Dance a bit, soak in the music, and let the romance settle in. Perfect!

4. Condoms / Birth Control Pills

We don’t need to elaborate on this now, do we?

5. Personal Grooming items

Chances are you will stay indoors for long. Therefore, personal grooming is extremely important given your space constraints. Carry essential items and do what you wish, but don’t compromise on personal grooming.

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