Monday, January 7, 2013

7 Warning Signs Of A Heart Attack

Whilst a heart attack can often be sudden and unannounced, most other times, the condition develops over a period of time. You can read the warning signs and take the necessary precautions if you pay heed.

Here are 7 signs that can be taken as warning and could help avert a catastrophic situation:

1. Discomfort in the Chest

The most common warning sign of a heart attack is the feeling of discomfort or heaviness in the chest. This feeling could also be more of a burning sensation. Any of these symptoms should not be taken lightly, and if it occurs more than once, you need to rush to your doctor. If another person is complaining of the problem, chances are they have experienced the feeling before and are only expressing it now. So, rush them to the nearest doctor or hospital immediately for a check up.

2. Shortness of Breath

If your breathing gets heavy and the breath falls short even after a short walk, climb or other form of movement or exercise, it should be a huge cause of worry. Even if this condition is not accompanied with chest discomfort, it should be taken as a warning sign.

3. Sweating

Whilst sweating is inevitable in the scorching heat of May and June, excessive sweating even in cool conditions is uncalled for. If you notice such sweating, consult a medical professional immediately.

4. Nausea

Regularly feeling nauseous of dizzy could imply the onset of a heart attack. Do not treat is callously as a sign of tiredness. This could happen due to the artery getting blocked. It could also display itself via excessive stress, fatigue after short spans of movement or exercise, or a feeling of weakness despite eating and sleeping well.

5. Numbness in Arms

If your arms feel numb and seem to be drifting to the sides, heart problem may be the cause.

6. Unresponsiveness

If certain parts of your body begin to stop responding, do not ignore the circumstance. The affected parts may be the shoulders, arms or back of the neck.

7. Slurring while Speaking

Difficulty while speaking need not necessarily occur after a bout of drinking with the buddies. It could be a graver situation than that! Inability to speak coherently could be the sign of a great attack. If you think you are suffering this ask a friend or relative to help by asking them to understand what you are saying.
A heart attack can be avoided if the warning signs are read correctly and in time. Seek medical aid immediately if one or more of the above symptoms are noticed. They could be the result of a choked artery. Even if heart attack is not the result, a check up should definitely not be avoided! Take care!

6 Leadership Mistakes to Avoid

If you've recently been promoted, congratulations. It's an honor to receive a promotion that puts you in a leadership role. But be wary: You carry a great deal of responsibility that can easily be taken away should you not live up to expectations. Not to set off alarm bells, but of people who have been promoted, a full 40 percent of them will fail within their first 18 months on the job. Most of the failure stems from a few key leadership mistakes that The Forum Corp.'s President and CEO Andrew Graham outlines:
1. Alienating your team. Graham says that you likely got your promotion by standing out from others, but now that role has changed. Rather than focusing on continuing to shine alone, you need to help your subordinates stand out. "If your subordinates or peers perceive that you care more about your interests than theirs, you will lose them. And once you lose them, you will lose, period," he says.
2. Keeping the same mindset. You got where you are by being really good at a few key skills for the job. You can just about toss those out of the window if you want to be a good leader, because, as Graham says, your focus should now be on "high-value activities that deliver business results through the team." It's all too common for new managers to make the mistake of focusing on low-value activities (think:TPS reports) that don't benefit the team and that are others' responsibilities.
3. Not asking for help. You're the leader now. That means you're expected to know everything ... doesn't it? Not at all. Rather than being overconfident you can handle a situation you've never encountered before, the smart thing is to ask for input from others. "Asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it's the contrary," stresses Graham. Understand that your team will respect you for saying you don't know the answer to a question, but that you will make it a priority to find it.
4. Making all the decisions alone. Leaders should lead, not dictate. But many feel like the key to leading is taking on all the decisions on their own. Rather than being seen as a fine leader, you will be resented for leaving your employees out in the cold on a decision they felt entitled to weigh in on. Instead, involve other team members in your decision-making process so that you build a sense of community and democracy, not a dictatorship.
5. Ignoring transitions. You being promoted to manager or leader isn't the only transition you need to deal with. While you're settling into that corner office, your new team is adjusting to having a new person at the helm, and all the personal interplay that brings among co-workers. Not spending enough time making that transition smoother can set the course for how your team operates, and it might make things more difficult down the road.
6. Leaning too hard on book smarts. So you went to an Ivy League school. So what? All the fine education in the world can't prepare you for cultivating your people-leadership skills, which account for 85 percent of a leader's success, according to Graham. You can apply what you've learned in books, but the best leaders help their staff learn to solve problems themselves, and teaching that can't be learned anywhere but on the job.
The first few months of taking on a leadership role are the most precarious. Begin to think like a leader and focus your actions around what is best for the team. Ask for feedback from your staff and your own boss so that you can quickly correct anything that could stand to be improved.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

12 Scary Signs That It's Time to Leave Your Company

Want to safety-proof your job? Here are 12 signs to even out your career, and discover when it's time to quit.

1. The bills aren't paid on time.
If you work with a creative agency, freelancers, outside IT, event management, or in another similar service, and your provider is telling you that their bills aren't being paid on time, your ears should perk up. Don't let the accounting department blame it on a temporary cash flow problem; ask what's really going on.

2. You don't get paid.
Even companies in trouble will do everything in their power to pay employees first and every other bill second, so if you're not getting paid or your check arrives late, know that your company's financial situation is pretty dire.

3. No raises.
Businesses need to invest in talent. Not only do stingy raises bring down morale, but it guarantees the loss of top performers as well. Happy employees are such a significant part of a sustainable business that if you hear the news that there are no salary increases for the year, run for the hills.

4. Leadership changes.
When your CEO or president is pushed out of the company, and new leadership comes in, it's time to activate your backup plan. Regardless of whether you do phenomenal work, new leadership often means a new vision and direction—one that may not include your position or even your department.

5. High turnover.
Do people keep quitting? It's often a sign of poor management, salary, and benefit practices. Constant turnover affects the entire organization too; new employees act as roadblocks until they receive the required training they need to get up to speed.

6. A hiring freeze.
Some companies will tell you about a hiring freeze, but many others simply won't fill a position when an employee quits. The explanation may be that the old position is redundant or no longer relevant to the organization's current goals, but more likely, the company needs to save cash.

7. Reorganization and restructuring.
Do you suddenly have a new boss? Did your colleague switch departments? A new organizational structure may not make sense to you, but it probably helps the spreadsheets balance. It's also a sign that the company is floundering to find its footing and focus.

8. Closed doors
If more and more meetings start to happen behind closed doors, take it as a sign that something is up. While being secretive can mean a big product launch, it can also mean that there are tough issues that need to be discussed. In general, a quiet office is a dead office.

9. Employee morale
When complaints start to outnumber celebrations, you have a problem. Look out for signs that employees start leaving early and coming in late first, then listen for the complaints. A toxic environment where all your colleagues are unhappy is not a fun or productive place to work.

10. Unclear direction, goals, or mission
If you're not sure what you should be working on from one week to the next, and asking for clarification gets you nowhere, take it as a sign that the company ship is sinking. Employees need clear, organizational leadership to execute on.

11. Delayed implementation
Got great ideas but can't push them through? When you aren't allowed to execute on even low-cost strategies, it's often a frustrating sign that you won't be able to contribute any sort of meaningful work any time soon. Watch out, your company is probably coming to a standstill.

12. Frenzied, stop-and-go pace
One week you're knee-deep into new objectives and tasks, and the next week your plate is empty. What's going on? A stop-and-go pace will make it impossible to build upon success or failure, so try to find some consistency or find a new job.