Saturday, August 11, 2012

How to Propose to an Indian Girl?

Flirting, being friends or very good friends and going out on a special date with a girl; all are very different situations from proposing a girl.
 Men who are going to propose an Indian girl should do this with utmost care. It hurts very much to get denial after proposing a girl. When it comes to proposing an Indian girl, men need to take several factors in to account. Here is a short guide to help you know the best way to propose an Indian girl.

Duration of your relationship

If you are friends with an Indian girl for just 1 or 2 weeks, do not propose her. Give time to your relationship so that it can grow. When a man, who knows a girl for a very short period of time; proposes her; the girl gets to know that the person is just fooling around. However, if you know a girl very well for many months then proposing seems acceptable. 

The quality of your relationship

If you know a girl for a year but have spent only a few lonely moments with her then you should not propose her. Before proposing a girl think yourself that how it will appear to propose a girl whom you just don’t know very well. On the other hand, if you share a very enjoyable relationship with a girl then it will not appear abnormal to propose on your part.  You need to understand that there should be strong reasons for your proposal. Only then the girl would trust you. It is very difficult for an Indian girl to understand that a man who does not know her well really has honest feeling for her. 


Choose a day when you are on a date with your girl. Observe the mood of the girl whom you are going to propose. If the girl is in a bad mood then don’t propose her. You will suffer without any reason just because of wrong timing. Also, keep on giving hints about your proposal before really proposing a girl. This helps in creating a good platform before you really propose her. 

The style for proposing an Indian girl

This is the most important part of proposing an Indian girl. Men should understand that there is no rigid style of proposing a girl. Every girl wishes to get proposed in a unique manner. Keep this in mind and propose her in your own unique style. Be creative and avoid copying someone else. Propose her in such manner that she feels like a princess or the most beautiful woman in the whole universe. Assure her that you will always take care of her and do anything for her happiness. Avoid proposing in a direct manner. It sounds boring and Indian girls would not like it. If they ask for some time to give response then give it to her (Also, you don’t have another option). Remember that patience always pays.
Being Prepared—Doing Your Homework could be the Difference-Maker So, you are sure about getting your timing right and you have decided upon the style of proposing to your Indian girlfriend. However, an important question remains to be asked—have you don’t your homework?
Yes, this might sound a bit strange, but when proposing to a lady, it is vital that you come across as somebody who is seriously interested in her. This means having observed her closely and taking the initiative to find out more about her. If she is your colleague at the office, digging information about her likes and dislikes isn't that difficult. If she is within your extended circle of friends, the task becomes even easier. When you propose to her, it should seem that you know about her preferences and her personality type.
Is she the upfront type who has only dated bold, macho guys in the past? If yes, your style of proposing would be better-off being quick and blunt about it. If she is the sporty types, it would be better if you propose going out on a small adventure trip as a part of the proposal or initiate the conversation with how you have always wanted to try rock climbing. This combination of asking her out and mentioning something that she really likes will make her think that yes, you do understand her and there is something common to build upon.
If she is the shy type, ensure that it doesn’t seem like you are hitting upon her. Before you actually propose, do some homework. Identify her closest friends. Send her some subtle reminders and teasers about the fact that you really like her. In this manner, you would have taken-out the sting of shock or awe at the time of actually proposing to her. Think of this as establishing a reasonable base when proposing to an Indian girl.

Your Choice of Words is Critical When Proposing

Even after the best of preparations, if you end-up saying the wrong things at moment ofproposing to an Indian girl, you are bound to make things difficult for yourself. Rather than leaving it all to spontaneity, it is better to being a bit prepared about how are going to put forth your proposal. The fact is that unless she is a total stranger to you, you don’t need to explain yourself to her. All you need to do is directly ask her out without using the words “date”. There is nothing wrong with using this word but it gives things a rather typical perception.
You are better-off proposing in a manner that is both direct and a bit subtle. Your lines should include phrases like ‘I have been observing you for a long time’ or ‘I have a gut feeling that you wouldn’t mind going out with me’. Don’t bombard her with flowers or gifts before actually saying something. That just seems like a lame attempt to melt her a bit before hitting her with the proposal. Being a bit apprehensive, anxious or even stammering a bit is not an issue as you say it. Don’t try to act too cool or someone you are not. Don’t behave like some overconfident schmuck who couldn’t care less.

Your Body Language has to be Confident & Suggestive

When you propose to an Indian girl or a lady from any part of the world for that matter, your body language makes a huge difference. If you are
naturally confident, most issues are resolved and you don’t need much help. If you are a bit apprehensive or unsure about her reaction, ensure you follow some basics. This includes, looking her in the eye when you propose to her. You should be facing her, without your hands in your pockets or waving around too much in the air. If you seem a bit vulnerable or emotional, it works towards your favor as it lends an emotional depth to your actions. If you tend to get tense when approaching such situations, just take 10 minutes to do some last-minute preparations to keep yourself calm. This can include deep breathing and doing some neck rotations.

Tackling the Post-Proposal Moments/Period

Let us assume the positive outcome of your proposal. Even then, it is not necessary that she outrightly says, yes. Most Indian women still carry a bit of coyness that makes them so unique. Her approval might be in the form of blinking her eyes and smiling. If she is the waiting type or wants to play the hard-to-get sort of games, she might tell you to wait for her phone call. The ideal way to handle the outcome of your proposal to an Indian girl is to give her time and not force the issue.
Don’t seek immediate answers. Don’t pressurize her into being very clear about her response. You need to understand that she might need a few moments to recollect herself. Yes, being spontaneous about the entire thing would be ideal but it isn't bound to happen with every girl. So, allow her the liberty to handle things the way she wants. Don’t call her and ask for her impending answer. After having proposed to her, take a back step and allow fate to take its own course. Don’t approach the proposal with any fixed notions in your head, it is better to be prepared for the worst-case scenario and hope for her immediate acceptance.

7 secrets women never tell you

It is no secret that women are good at keeping secrets.
Sometimes these secrets are life changing and sometimes they are so ridiculously stupid that if they would be known they would be the cause of major embarrassment. No matter how ‘close’ you’ll are as a couple, there will be some secrets that your woman will never tell you. This does not reflect on your relationship or her love for you, but something’s are just not meant to be told.
Whether she tells you or not, we are going to spill some of these secrets (generic ones) and let you in on the woman psyche just a tad bit more.

1. The number of crushes she has had:

Why you would be interested in knowing more about her crushes is something women cannot comprehend. But if you do ask her about her crushes, don’t expect the absolute truth. There are some things that women like to keep to themselves. These boy-crushes remind them of the good young days, of the innocence lost and of simpler times. Unmasking the crush could mean tampering with those pure memories. Hence, women don’t like to talk about them.

2. Whether it’s PMS or simply, her bitchiness:

Women can switch on the ‘bitch’ mode as and when they like and switch it off as per convenience as well. Sometimes, there are people that truly piss them off. And if these people are your close friends then the situation is bound to get tricky. A woman will remove her frustration and put that person in place by being voluntarily bitchy, but she will cover it up by saying it was good old PMS doing the bad stuff and not her. This is an old trick that most women use, so beware!

3. What’s her annual shopping budget:

Women can never get enough of shopping. It will do you good to know that shopping for women is not a hobby; it is a full time job. And this job is one that women take more seriously than any other. Shopping plans and agendas are always made well in advance and are meticulously planned. What should be purchased, what is needed and what can be put on hold: it is all stored in the mind palace. And this detail will not be shared with you in advance. It will only creep into the conversation if monetary assistance or opinion is absolutely needed. So next time she squeals about having ‘impulsively’ bought a new bag, you know better!

4. What she and her girlies do/talk about during Girls Night Out:

All questions pertaining to Girls' Night Out will be met with minimum responses and a quick change of subject. If you push further, you will get one steely look and that will be enough for you to not prod further. Girls Night Out is her time to let go, have a good time and focus on herself. She will not share these precious ‘me’ moments with you.

5. Who does she fantasize about when masturbating:

No woman will tell you when and how often she masturbates. If she somehow slips this information, she will for sure not tell you who she fantasizes about while doing her thing. Her fantasy man could be anyone: Hugh Jackman, Ranbir Kapoor or the hot gym instructor. But she is not sharing this information with you.

6. The hottie in her office:

A girl has that one guy in her office that she secretly holds a soft corner for. She will steal glances at him, she will offer to bring him coffee, she will smile every time he passes. This guy is no threat to you in anyway. He is just someone your girl crushes on. No big deal. No need to panic. And no need to want to know more about him.

7. Ladies room chatter

Ladies room chatter is as secretive as men's locker room banter. While women puff and re-touch their makeup, while they tidy their dresses and adjust their bras, they discuss a hell lot of things: right from the food, to that woman’s character, to that man’s annual income. And while you will always notice them giggle as they step out of the room, you will never get to know anymore. Such banter is, after all, a secret!
The list does not end at number 7. There are many more secrets; each one more complex than the other. Till we share with you a few more secrets, these are sure to provide you enough fodder for one-to-many locker room discussions.

10 Things You Should Know About Women

Women are complex, confounding, difficult to fathom, impossible to predict and so on.
While you need a lifetime and more to decipher a woman, you can read this article and get a heads up. We are about to let you in on the 10 things you absolutely need to know about a woman.

1. Women hate being compared

They may ‘jokingly’ ask you how you think they compare to their female friends. They will coax you to answer but you have to hold your ground. No matter what, DO NOT COMPARE. Because no matter what your answer is, you will end up upsetting her.

2. PMS is for real

If your weenie bled for 5 days every month, you would be cranky too. Be grateful that you don’t have to endure this biological discomfort and be considerate towards the after-effects she experiences (every month) because of it.

3. Women know when you ‘look’

You may make a surreptitious attempt to look at her cleavage or/and at her breasts, and you may think you have succeeded in ogling at them without her knowing. You are wrong. A woman will know when you look (stare). So if she questions you about it, don’t be a fool and deny it. Either way, you will get an evil look for looking at what is not yours to look at.

4. Women have a sex drive

Shocked? Don’t be. Contrary to popular Indian belief, Indian women do have a sex drive. They are not coy creatures who will flutter their eyes and sigh deeply when you touch their shoulders. They are in fact nubile beings who will grab your butt and wink at you if they are interested. If they are not interested, you will get an evil look. Or a slap. Depending on your sickness meter.


5. Women love being taken care of

Not being ordered around and being dominated, but women love being taken care of. They especially love it if you hug them after a long day, or if you tell them that they should take it easy or when you volunteer to hold their bag. So sweet!

6. Women love romance

This shouldn’t surprise you. If it does, WOW!

7. Women are protective of their girl-friends

Okay, there will be days she will crib about her friends and get upset and tell you how ‘that one’ behaves bitchy and how ‘this one’ thinks she is one bit too smart. She is ALLOWED to say whatever she wants about her girl-friends. If you EVER as much as utter one negative thing about any of them, she will eat you up alive.

8. Nothing beats Gossip!

Gossip, girl-friends, gin – the 3 Gs that rock a woman’s world. Bring them all together and you have an absolute winner.

9. Women ALWAYS want to eat dessert

Women want a waist like Katrina and legs like Deepika, but they want dessert more. If you ask her whether she would like to eat desserts, images of Katrina’s waist and Deepika’s thighs will flash in front of her eyes and she’ll say no. If you simply call for a dessert of her choice, she’ll devour it first and then you!

10. Women grab their crotches too

But as Padmalakshmi rightly said, they are decent and sensible enough to do it in the privacy of their bedrooms or bathrooms. A habit that men need to develop too? Yes, we definitely think so.