Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Seven Characteristics of Highly Effective Entrepreneurial Employees

Ability to Deal With Risk. An entrepreneur has to operate effectively in an environment filled with risk. The Right Stuff Employee can deal with risk and uncertainty. He is able to make progress towards goals and is able to make decisions when lacking one or several critical resources or data.

Results Oriented. The Right Stuff Employee is results oriented, she takes ownership to get the task done. She is a "can do" person who demonstrates common sense in her decision and actions and is able to cut through and resolve problems that divert others. Her business judgment is sound and becomes stronger with each experience, decision or recommendation. While supervisors and managers may disagree with her ultimate recommendation, they usually agree that the alternatives she presents are reasonable for the situation at hand.

Energy. The Right Stuff Employee has high levels of enthusiasm and energy; he consistently generates output that is higher than could be reasonably expected. He is fully committed to the organization, its goals and overall success.

Not only does he desire to make a contribution to results, he needs to see the results of his contributions quickly, not measured in years! He will seek out an organization that solicits and acts upon his ideas, gives credit where credit is due and points out errors and poor decisions quickly and clearly. He performs effectively with limited supervision and is able to self-motivate and set priorities with minimal guidance.

Growth Potential. The Right Stuff Employee's reach exceeds her grasp today. Today's Right Stuff Employee is often next year's supervisor and a department manager soon thereafter. She is willing to accept much higher levels of responsibility that is the norm for her position, title, experience level or salary. She acts as a strong role model, trains and coaches others, and soon begins to assume supervisory responsibilities, again much earlier than would be expected in a normal corporate environment.

Team Player. The Right Stuff Employee is a true team player, she recognizes how her role contributes to the overall effort and success of the organization. She accepts accountability and ownership for her area of responsibility and expects others on the team to do the same. She also recognizes the roles and contributions of others and applauds their efforts sincerely.

Multitasking Ability. The Right Stuff Employee is flexible to accept new duties, assignments and responsibilities. He can perform more than one role until the incremental duties and functions assumed can be assigned to co-workers in newly defined roles. He is also willing to dig in and do grunt work tasks which eventually will be performed by lower level employees.

Improvement Oriented. The Right Stuff Employee is more than willing to challenge in a constructive way existing procedures and systems; to her the status quo is temporary. She suggests changes and improvements frequently and encourages others to do so also.

Multitasking - Person having many hands :)

You’re working on two projects at once, while your boss has placed two new demands on your desk। You’re on the phone while three new emails come in. You are trying to get out the door on time so you can pick up a few groceries on the way home for dinner. Your Blackberry is going off and so is your cell phone. Your co-worker stops by with a request for info and your Google Reader is filled with 100+ messages to read.

You are juggling tasks with a speed worthy of Ringling Bros. Congratulations, multitasker.
In this age of instant technology, we are bombarded with an overload of information and demands of our time. This is part of the reason GTD is so popular in the information world — it’s a system designed for quick decisions and for keeping all the demands of your life in order. But even if we are using GTD, sometimes we are so overwhelmed with things to do that our system begins to fall apart.
Life Hack recently posted How to Multi-task, and it’s a good article on the nature of multi-tasking and how to do it while still focusing on one task at a time.
This post is How NOT to Multi-task — a guide to working as simply as possible for your mental health.
First, a few quick reasons not to multi-task:
  1. Multi-tasking is less efficient, due to the need to switch gears for each new task, and the switch back again.
  2. Multi-tasking is more complicated, and thus more prone to stress and errors.
  3. Multi-tasking can be crazy, and in this already chaotic world, we need to reign in the terror and find a little oasis of sanity and calm.
Here are some tips on how NOT to multi-task:
  1. First set up to-do lists for different contexts (i.e. calls, computer, errands, home, waiting-for, etc.) depending on your situation.
  2. Have a capture tool (such as a notebook) for instant notes on what needs to be done.
  3. Have a physical and email inbox (as few inboxes as possible) so that all incoming stuff is gathered together in one place (one for paper stuff, one for digital).
  4. Plan your day in blocks, with open blocks in between for urgent stuff that comes up. You might try one-hour blocks, or half-hour blocks, depending on what works for you. Or try this: 40 minute blocks, with 20 minutes in between them for miscellaneous tasks.
  5. First thing in the morning, work on your Most Important Task. Don’t do anything else until this is done. Give yourself a short break, and then start on your next Most Important Task. If you can get 2-3 of these done in the morning, the rest of the day is gravy.
  6. When you are working on a task in a time block, turn off all other distractions. Shut off email, and the Internet if possible. Shut off your cell phone. Try not to answer your phone if possible. Focus on that one task, and try to get it done without worrying about other stuff.
  7. If you feel the urge to check your email or switch to another task, stop yourself. Breathe deeply. Re-focus yourself. Get back to the task at hand.
  8. If other things come in while you’re working, put them in the inbox, or take a note of them in your capture system. Get back to the task at hand.
  9. Every now and then, when you’ve completed the task at hand, process your notes and inbox, adding the tasks to your to-do lists and re-figuring your schedule if necessary. Process your email and other inboxes at regular and pre-determined intervals.
  10. There are times when an interruption is so urgent that you cannot put it off until you’re done with the task at hand. In that case, try to make a note of where you are (writing down notes if you have time) with the task at hand, and put all the documents or notes for that task together and aside (perhaps in an “action” folder or project folder). Then, when you come back to that task, you can pull out your folder and look at your notes to see where you left off.
  11. Take deep breaths, stretch, and take breaks now and then. Enjoy life. Go outside, and appreciate nature. Keep yourself sane.

Workaholic - One who has a compulsive and unrelenting need to work.

One of the main differences between a motivated worker and a workaholic is perspective. A well-adjusted worker realizes that his job is only one element of his identity. Once the work is done, the workplace is replaced with a fulfilling home life.
For a workaholic, on the other hand, her job title becomes a much larger percentage of her identification. There is no such thing as 'leaving the workplace' - there is work and there is a very long break. A true workaholic usually has difficulty dividing work life from home life.
Some people may consider someone who works extremely long hours to be a workaholic, but that has not proven to be entirely true. Certain occupations require a significant time commitment, such as the medical or legal professions, but a workaholic is not defined by the raw number of hours spent at work. A workaholic is more likely to volunteer for overtime hours or agree to take on a large project late in the week. Salaried employees may feel an obligation to work long hours, but a workaholic often feels extremely anxious or depressed if he does not work until exhausted.
One self-test to determine whether you are a true workaholic is to observe your behavior outside of work. Make a mental note of how many work-related conversations you start with other people. Do you insist on discussing the poor performances of your co-workers or employer? Is your sleeping disrupted by work-related thoughts? Do you find yourself driving by your workplace during off-hours? If so, you may very well be a workaholic, or at least a workaholic in training.
Unlike an active alcoholic or substance abuser, a workaholic is not automatically penalized for pursuing his or her addiction on the job. A workaholic's addiction is the job. Company policy may prohibit alcohol or drugs on the premises, but it doesn't always address performing too much work. Counseling a workaholic often requires sensitivity on the part of the employer, since losing such a motivated employee could be detrimental. A true workaholic may need to seek professional counseling in order to determine the root causes of her compulsion to work.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The 3 Letter word "Sir"

I like to share that i come across recently abt dis article....

Peep into the offices of most of the organizations in most of the countries of the world and you will notice a similar scene- the boss sitting in his well cushioned wheel chair like a super-human in an expansive manner and the subordinate sitting in front of him across the table belittling himself as much as possible and bending low, squeezing his limbs, trying to occupy as little area on the chair as possible and addressing the boss, after every other word of his dialogue, "Sir, yes sir, very good sir, you are right sir, yes sir and yes sir and .........."

Most people are so much accustomed to this master-slave relationship that a person at the lower rungs of official hierarchy is always treated as a dumb donkey. And this feeling is further aggravated by this three letter word "sir". This word when spoken, creates, immediately, a sense of false inferiority in the subject who speaks this word and a false superiority in the addressee. As soon as this phenomenon takes place, the actual work, the intended results from the work and the real objective of the discussions between the two persons get surrounded by the ego satisfaction of the boss and the selfish motives of the subordinates.

Many bosses feel offended if they are called "Mr so and so", they always expect to be called "sir". The subordinates on the other hand develop an unnecessary guilt feeling if they do not address their bosses with a "sir". In majority of cases, it is not out of respect that a man wants to call other person with a dignified address. It is out of selfishness, fear, doubt and the bad custom. This word "sir" arouses the base feelings of the human beings.

There are three types of situations where you will find the "sir" culture:

1. The boss wants to be addressed "sir" (he wants sycophants around him).

2. The subordinates are in habit of calling their boss as "sir" for some reasons or other (though the boss is quite open-minded on this issue)

3. The boss and subordinate both are used to it.

It is surprising that not many human behavior experts have seriously identified this calling each other "sir" a major stumbling block in the development and progress of the human society in most parts of the world. In few organizations, in some parts of the world, they encourage address by the first names or surnames and in a way, it reflects that there is no master and there is no slave. But it is doubtful if a subordinate at a junior rung or for that matter even at a higher rung of the hierarchy will be accepted addressing any CEO or Chairman of an organization or a president or prime minister of a country by his first name or as "Mr so and so".

If "sir" is used as a mark of reverence, it has different connotation- no motives are attached.

It is time that every organization every where in the world tries to scrap this kind of address and promotes a healthy man to man relationship. This should start from homes, schools and colleges. The teachers and professors should take pride in being called by their names by their students. Mere usage of the word "sir" does not bring in the sense of discipline. It's time we change our values on "what is discipline".

Reason of Switching Jobs

There are many deeply personal reasons to change your employment situation. However, from a purely strategic point of view, there are four good reasons to change jobs within the same (or similar) industry three times during your first ten years of employment: 

Reason #1:
Changing jobs gives you a broader base of experience: After about three years, you've learned most of what you're going to know about how to do your job. Therefore, over a ten year period, you gain more experience from “three times 90 percent” than “one times 100 percent.” 

Reason #2:
A more varied background creates a greater demand for your skills: Depth of experience means you're more valuable to a larger number of employers. You're not only familiar with your current company's product, service, procedures, quality programs, inventory system, and so forth; you bring with you the expertise you've gained from your prior employment with other companies.

Reason #3:
A job change results in an accelerated promotion cycle: Each time you make a change, you bump up a notch on the promotion ladder. You jump, for example, from project engineer to senior project engineer; or national sales manager to vice president of sales and marketing.

Reason #4:
More responsibility leads to greater earning power: A promotion is usually accompanied by a salary increase. And since you're being promoted faster, your salary grows at a quicker pace, sort of like compounding the interest you'd earn on a certificate of deposit. 

Many people view a job change as a way of promoting themselves to a better position. And in most cases, I would agree. However, you should always be sure your new job offers you the means to satisfy your values. While there's no denying the strategic virtues of selective job changing for the purpose of career leverage, you want to make sure the path you take will lead you where you really want to go. 

For instance, there's no reason to change jobs for more money if it'll make you unhappy to the point of distraction. In fact, I've found that money usually has no influence on a career decision unless it materially affects your lifestyle or self-identity. 

To me, the “best” job is one in which your values are being satisfied most effectively. If career growth and advancement are your primary goals, and they're represented by how much you earn, then the job that pays the most money is the “better” job.

6 tips for Switching jobs

1. Higher salary shouldn’t be the only reason
Often, the stimulus to move jobs is a higher salary, with little regard for the quality of work, the employer’s brand name, future career prospects, the potential for enhancement of skill levels and the opportunity to assume more responsibility. Don’t ignore these soft issues completely just because you are getting a higher salary offer.

2. Timing
Candidates often argue, “I am just about to get my annual appraisal and my salary is expected to go up by 20%, so if I move to your organization, it will be for at least a 25% salary hike.” If you are so confident about a salary hike, and are happy with your current job, why move at all?
If you do want to move for other reasons, time your move so that you have your increment in the bag, and better negotiating ability during an interview. 

3. Negotiating your cost to company (CTC)
Even if the actual CTC is the same as your previous job, structure it so that the cash in hand can be higher than it was in the previous job. This might be particularly important given the new rules announced in the budget, under which fringe benefits offered to you will now be taxable in your hands as perquisites. Understand how you can maximize your take-home pay, because that is what matters at the end of the day.

4. Pricing yourself out of the market
Today there are several junior employees in organizations with very little experience but with high CTCs because they have moved numerous jobs in rapid succession. They don’t realize that the high salaries they are getting are not usually because of their performance, but often because the base level has gone up every time they have changed jobs.
But without a commensurate increase in their experience or skill level, there will come a time when they could find themselves at a dead end or priced out of the market. Employers want employees who can add value to the organization, and not just get paid a high salary because that is the expectation from that industry. 

5. Performance evaluation criteria
Understand the basis of your performance evaluation in your new job and preferably, have the key performance targets given to you in writing so that there is no ambiguity during the year-end review at the time of your bonus payment.
Don’t make job change decisions in haste, without understanding whether what is expected of you is realistic or not. Stretch yourself in the new job to develop skills and gain experience, but don’t set yourself up for failure.

6. Notice period
Respect the notice period owed to your current employer. Don’t make a short-term decision to abandon your current job without any notice—it can come back to hurt you if you acquire the reputation of someone who does not respect common professional courtesies. See if you can buy out your notice period from your employer.

Understand your key result areas and the formula for your bonus calculation, what benchmark is being used to arrive at your bonus—sales, productivity, profitability, controlling attrition, etc.
Notice period
It can be typically one–three months, depending upon seniority. In many cases, you might be able to pay the equivalent of your monthly salary in lieu of serving your notice period.
Use Form 13 to transfer your account to your new employer.
Always maintain 5–10 times your life cover, and for a family of four, maintain a minimum of Rs2 lakh floater health insurance coverage.
Don’t always expect 20% hikes. Put together a business case for yourself that shows you deserve an increment to move.
Encash all vested options that are “in the money” and understand your tax liability at the time of encashing.
CTC structuring
Understand that you will now pay taxes on fringe benefits (or perquisites) paid to you by your company at the marginal tax rate.